Alek Skankey

YEAR: Senior

HEIGHT:  5’7″


HOME TOWN: Las Vegas, NV

HOME GYM AND COACH: Go For It, Zoltan Supola

MAJOR: Finance

NICKNAME: Skankey/Skank the Tank

Why ASU? It’s not far from home, and I have lots of family in Arizona. I also have career related connections in Arizona.

GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT: Coming back from 2+ years of retirement from gymnastics to compete for a collegiate gymnastics team.

FAVORITE QUOTE: “Comparison is the thief of joy”

BEST THING ABOUT BEING ON THE TEAM: The lifelong friends you get from it.

WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP: Financial Planning and Analysis

SOMETHING MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME: I have seen, pet, cooked, and eaten Kangaroos in Australia

Alek Skankey