Jackson Mellencamp

Year: Sophomore                        

Height: 5’9″


Home Town: Norwalk, Iowa

Home Gym and Coach: Chow’s Gymnastics and Dance Institute, Bob Gauthier


Nick Name: Melly 

Why did you choose ASU? I really liked the area and to further my academic/gymnastics career. 

Greatest achievement (sports or otherwise): Making lineup for GymAct Nationals last year.

Favorite quote: “Even tho your fed up, you got to keep ya head up” -Tupac

Best thing about being on this team: The energy everyone brings during practice and competitions. The bond this team forms is unmatched. 

What I want to be when I grow up?  

Something most people don’t know about me: I grew up on a farm and showed animals like cows, goats, and pigs at the fair. I won grand champion pen of 3 cattle four years in a row.

Jackson Mellencamp